Editor’s List: Authority Magazine’s Favorite ‘Five Things Videos’ About How Their Technological Innovation Will Shake Up How We Connect and Communicate With Each Other (Part Two)

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2024


Dr. Arle Lommel, CSA Research

a senior analyst with independent market research firm CSA Research. He is a recognized expert in quality processes and interoperability standards. Arle’s research focuses on technology, quality assessment, and interoperability. Born in Alaska, he holds a PhD from Indiana University. Prior to joining CSA Research he worked for the Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA), Globalization and Localization Association (GALA), and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in its Berlin-based language technology lab. In addition to English he speaks fluent Hungarian and passable German, along with bits and pieces of other languages.

The complete interview can be read here:

Jay Myers, Author and Founder of ISI

An entrepreneur, author, mentor, and the former Founder/CEO of Interactive Solutions, Inc. (ISI), a firm that specializes in videoconferencing, distance learning, telemedicine and audio-visual sales and support. With a background in sales, and a heart for entrepreneurship, Jay and his team grew ISI to a $25 million company before selling it in 2018. Since then, Jay has spent his time mentoring other entrepreneurs about the ins and outs of business ownership. Jay will be releasing his third book, Rounding Third and Heading for Home, this spring.

When not writing, Jay spends his time sharing advice and anecdotes of his career to business schools and professional organizations, mentoring young entrepreneurs, spending time with family, and catching a Memphis Tigers baseball game whenever possible.

The complete interview can be read here:

William Morriss, IP Toolworks

William Morriss has spent the last fifteen years helping clients, from startups to Fortune 500 companies navigate complex issues surrounding law and technology and obtain protection for their inventions. He is a passionate advocate for the value of patents in business, having seen the impact in the success of his clients and his own work as an entrepreneur. William is Senior Technology Advisor at IP Toolworks, a company which he founded with the goal of helping attorneys respond to rejections from the USPTO more effectively by leveraging a wealth of publicly available but previously inaccessible information.

The complete interview can be read here:

Matthew White, Qebot

In 2023, Matthew is focusing his sights on a much larger target by launching an operating system for the internet. An evolution of the antiquated browser into a system that is more productive, secure, private, and personalized to how you actually use the internet. Matthew and team plan to completely overhaul how you access and use the internet across all devices.

The complete interview can be read here:



Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine

Authority Magazine is devoted to sharing in-depth interviews, featuring people who are authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech